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Life on Earth is famous for its diversity. Throughout the world we can find many millions of different forms of life. Biologic classification helps identify each form according to common properties (similarities) using a set of rules and an estimate as to how closely related it is to a common ancestor (evolutionary relationship) in a way to create an order. By learning to recognize certain patterns and classify them into specific groups, biologists are better able to understand the relationships that exist among a variety of living forms that inhabit the planet. To make up for that world we live in, it all starts with Microorganisms.


Microbe as Visual Art 

When Ernst Haeckel drew the illustrations of microbes, he was doing it for science, to help to introduce the world to micro-organisms. Little did he know that his illustrations would be compiled in a book by one of the largest art publishers in the world: Taschen. However, once you take a look at pages from the book and discover the beautiful illustrations of Haeckel, you quickly understand that scientific illustration can be a real art form. His illustrations explores on the beautiful micro structures and biological elements that can be looked at as visual patterns for scientific, academic and artistic reference.

Benefits of Visual Illustration of Microbes

Ideas on objectives & design issues

Illustration of medical microbes provides a fascinating insight into how these viruses affect the human body. They communicate essential information about deadly viruses like COVID-19. There are some hugely beneficial points to creating these accurate depictions of microbes.


• Research reference in visual form

Additional to the detailed research documents, graphical illustrations help in referencing key information pointers.


• Spreading awareness on the disease

People of different age groups and educational backgrounds can easily grasp the graphical illustration of even the complex medical conditions.


• Visual information on the treatment process

Illustration of the treatment process for new diseases, new medical technologies, methods, and instruments intrigue interest and belief.


• Informative study on drugs and their effects on microbes

Illustration on the drug effects on the human body and how it cures the microbes can establish the faith of common people on the research and its effectiveness.


• Visual content on dos and don’ts

Illustration is a great medium of spreading awareness on the dos and don’ts regarding the criticality of a deadly virus or infection.

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