'Beauty Is Skin Deep'
Elliza Hashim
Fabric and mix media
31cm x 26cm
Imagination and creativity helps us to present the inspirations we derived from microbial world and turn them into visual arts. In textiles, subject matter like Microbes adheres visual presentations in surface pattern designs. Particularly in highlighting a specific microorganism and develop them into textile design that can be turned into artworks or marketable products. When these microbes are recognized as an important element in our lives through the presentation in textiles, perhaps the public will acknowledge their roles and learn to co exist.
When it comes to art and design, beauty can be inspired by the most unsuspected subject matter and these unprecedented subject matters can lead to recognizing the power of beauty and aesthetics that offers knowledge and learning processes. These curiosities are vital for artists and designers. Because there is a value in the intrinsic beauty in the way we can research, ponder, express and apply from the microbial world. The images that are successfully captured by scientists and researchers help us to not only understand the scientific significances, but their photographic discoveries showed us beauty at it’s most natural form. And as an artist, I conveyed them in the most expressive way to acknowledge their existence whilst exploring new techniques and materials.